cataract icon


A cataract is clouding of the lens in the eye. The lens of the eye is supposed to be clear.

Cataract showing a clouding of the lens of the eye
A cataract forms when there is a build-up of protein on the lens making it cloudy. This prevents light from passing through the lens causing vision loss. Cataracts affect over 700,000 Australian’s and is one of the most common reasons people need eye surgery.

What are the types or cataracts?

The types of cataracts and their causes include:

Age Related Cataracts

This cataract develops as a normal part of ageing

Secondary cataracts

Secondary cataracts can develop after cataract surgery and are a result of old cataract cells remaining in the lens capsule.

Traumatic Cataracts

These cataracts are a result of an injury to the eye.

Congenital Cataracts

Babies are sometimes born with cataracts or can develop in childhood. It is common for the cataract to be in both eyes.

What are the symptoms of cataracts?

Cataracts characteristically form very slowly and cause few symptoms until they start to block light. Typical symptoms include:

What are the cataract treatment options?

For treatment of cataracts a lens replacement is required to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear one. At Envision Eye Centre we offer the newest surgical technique in cataract surgery, laser-assisted cataract removal which is more accurate and less invasive.

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